Masterson Method “Beyond Horse Massage” Weekend Seminar
Official Masterson Method Clinic
The Weekend Seminar is for any horse owner or handler. The seminar gives you the tools to help you work with your horse to relieve tension and connect more deeply. No knowledge of anatomy or physical strength is required. You’ll leave wishing you had taken this seminar sooner!
The Masterson Method® Weekend Seminar is the next step after reading/viewing the Beyond Horse Massage Book/DVD, it is also the first step to becoming a certified practitioner and is a prerequisite to the Advanced 5-Day course.
In these hands-on workshops, you’ll learn how to recognize and use the visual responses of the horse to your touch to find and release accumulated stress in key junctions of the body that most affect performance. Jim Masterson has successfully taught these techniques to hundreds of owners, therapists, and trainers worldwide, enabling them to open new levels of communication and relationship with their horses, and now has hundreds of certified practitioners and instructors around the world.
The following clinics are coming soon…
Masterson Method Light Touch
Unofficial Masterson Method 1-Day Clinic
The Masterson Method Light Touch clinic is a 1-Day clinic, where you will learn light touch techniques that release deep tension in your horse. These techniques require no physical strength - you won’t even need to pick up your horse’s feet! Light touch is a fantastic way to develop your feel and skills in reading your horse’s responses, developing your relationship and releasing tension.
Saddle Fitting for Horse Owners
1-Day Hands On Clinic
Saddle Fitting for Horse Owners takes you through practical saddle fitting principles that every horse rider should know! Learn how to safety check your saddle, map your horse’s back and check the fit of your saddle to both you and your horse.
This clinic is not intended to replace the need to have your saddle fitted professionally.
How the Hoof Works
1-Day Theory Based Workshop
How the Hoof Works is for absolutely everyone who owns a horse! Barefoot, shod, or in between, if your equine friend has hooves, this workshop is for you! This is a theory based workshop, covering; the evolution of the equine foot, how hooves work, how to recognise “good” feet and “bad” feet, and stages of hoof development.
Hoof Care for Horse Owners
1-Day Hands On Clinic
Hoof Care for Horse Owners is a hands on clinic that follows on from How the Hoof Works. This is a bring your own horse clinic where we assess our horses hooves, both static and in motion, learn about how to further develop our own horse’s hooves, do an in between “touch up trim” and perform daily maintenance and care.