Equine Podiatry
Qualified through the Australian College of Equine Podiotherapy, I offer maintenance hoofcare through to rehab of many hoof and soundness issues. The basis of my work is barefoot, helping horses to build and develop strong balanced hooves for soundness and performance.
Equine Podiatry is about building the best hooves possible for each horse, my goal is for each horse to be sound on his own bare hooves, and for those hooves to support the soundness of the entire horse throughout his lifetime. Excellent hoof care is about much more than just trimming, healthy hooves need the right nutrients, a healthy, varied environment and movement.
I work around a regular 4 week trimming schedule for all equines in my care, this shorter schedule maintains healthier balance, prevents major distortions, helps keep on top of any issues before they become big issues, and aids in rehab cases.
I have very limited availabilty, but occasionally a spot becomes available, so if you feel our hoof care values align, please get in touch.