
Certified Masterson Method Practitioner

Masterson Method Bodywork is gentle, non-invasive and works with the horse. Improving performance, mobility and comfort.

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Customised Bodywork for your horse

I tailor bodywork programs to suit you and your horse. The initial session is longer, and I spend time observing the way your horse moves, how your tack fits, the way your horse moves under saddle and your balance together, as well as postural habits and hoof balance. We chat about your goals for you and your horse, then create a program that suits you both. I aim to do some bodywork at this initial session, but some combinations take longer to assess - it is worth being thorough. Please note I am not a vet and cannot diagnose, if at any stage I believe your horse needs to see a vet before we proceed I will discuss this with you.

Bodywork sessions are primarily Masterson Method Bodywork, with Red Light Therapy and Surefoot Stability Pads used as needed.

After the initial session it is best to do 2-4 sessions within the next 8 weeks, then we create an ongoing program based on your needs. The length of these sessions will depend on the needs and age of your horse, the work they are doing and your goals.

I like horse owners to be involved with bodywork, learning how to feel tension, brace and soreness in your horse, and how to help release it. This improves the relationship between you as well as improving performance! I will usually leave you with some bodywork techniques to do with your horse as well as exercises to do in hand or under saddle.

To discuss a bodywork program for your horse, get in touch!


Masterson Method Bodywork

Based around allowing the horse to release their own tension, Masterson Method is powerful, with lasting effects. We work with the horse within the parasympathetic nervous system, the place where resting, digesting and healing can take place. The more time the horse can spend in this state the better the affects will be.

Techniques are integrated from many different types of bodywork. It is not so much about what is done, but how it is done. The work is guided by the responses of the horse - they actually take part in the bodywork. Masterson Method is gentle, but deeply effective.

There are two main types of work in this method; light touch and range of motion. Light touch techniques bring the horse’s awareness to sites of tension in the body, once the horse becomes aware of the tension, they are able to process and release it. Range of motion techniques slowly take the horse through a gentle, relaxed range of motion, finding where an area is restricted and helping the horse to release tension around the junction, allowing increased range of motion and freedom.


Surefoot Stability Pads

Using a range of different densities and angles, Surefoot Pads allow the horse to explore their own balance and postural habits.

The pad gives under the horse’s weight bringing his attention to where he is placing his feet and providing new information to the balancing part of his nervous system. With this awareness the horse explores, shifts and alters his habitual patterns of standing and moving by himself.

Surefoot can be used on their own, or in conjunction with Masterson Method, once the horse is used to them, they have a calming affect on the horse’s nervous system, and can help the horse to feel and process their new range of motion.


Red Light Therapy

Photonic or Red Light Therapy uses certain wavelengths of light to promote a healing response. The torch can be used to stimulate acupuncture points, rather than using a needle, so can be used on meridians to treat a range of different issues. The Red Light is not a laser, it can not burn or over stimulate a point.

I use Red Light Therapy to compliment Masterson Method Techniques. I often use the light at the start of a session to help your horse relax. And for horse’s that respond particularly well to the light I may use it through out the session in the same way that I use Masterson Method Light Touch techniques (a new meaning to “light” touch!); following the horse’s responses to show me were they most need the light.


Saddle Fit

Saddle fitting is a crucial part of bodywork, even if your saddle has been professionally fitted, I still often find small issues that can be adjusted to make a big difference.

Checking the fit of your saddle needs to be a ridden test. Saddles that look “fine” sitting on the horse can be entirely unsuitable once the rider is on board and the horse is in motion.

During our initial appointment when I observe you riding your horse, I will also be checking the fit of your saddle and other equipment.


Does my horse need bodywork?

The short answer is, I have never found a horse that didn’t have “something” going on!

Life happens; injuries, strains, natural tendencies such as “handedness”, riding, training and our own crookedness all create tension patterns in the horse’s body.

Whether your horse is competitive or pleasure, young or old, working hard or retired, Masterson Method Bodywork can help to release tension, and relax muscles and soft tissue, which improves your horses comfort, range of motion, flexibility and balance.


Reading The horses responses

Reading the horses responses to the bodywork is the underlying principle of The Masterson Method - and it is quite addictive!

Signs that we have found tension could be a hardening of the eye, bracing of the muscles or moving away, Masterson Method aims to stay below the threshold of these responses once (or before) tension is found.

Signs that the horse is processing and working on releasing; increasing blinking, muzzle/nostril twitching, moving and fidgeting.

Signs that tension is being released include; a softened eye, softened muzzle, lowering the head, licking and chewing, sighing, shaking, yawning and stretching.

Every horse is different, some are very subtle and stoic, others openly demonstrate how they are feeling!